About Us

What is the Hey, You_? Movement
This fall, my husband and I spent our time serving our community with our church life group. One evening while delivering food to the homeless, my husband kept saying "Hey, you hungry?" "Hey, you hungry?"... this went on all evening as we met new people who were walking the streets. 
When we left that night I kept hearing those words... Hey, you hungry? So simple, but so moving. God gave me the vision right then for this movement.. and He hasn't left me alone since. 
I am following God and trusting Him. 
This brand is a merch funded mission brand. We sell Hey, You_? merch and a portion goes towards the movement. Whatever that looks like at the time. We could be feeding or clothing the homeless. We might be hosting a huge event that helps people who were recently suicidal and had zero hope left in them. We aren't limiting ourselves.
Not everybody is hungry. Some people are depressed, addicted, lonely, cold, bullied... the list is literally endless. 
We have been homeless. We have been hopeless. Now we live every day for God, and we can't wait to see where He takes this MVMNT. 
Thank you for supporting us and being a part of life change! 
Rachel and Shane Ferguson